Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Pictures of Autumn 2006

As autumn draws to a close here at my place (It's really winter like now), I would like to share some of the pictures taken with my friend's camera taken during the earlier stages of this year's Autumn. I know it's still quite green in the pictures, a later post will highlight the real statue of the trees here. So, until then, enjoy =)

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  1. the pictures are pretty! especially the last one! as if taken from a postcard, looks so surreal, when will i get to be here personally to experience it i wonder heee.. :P

  2. haha... you can come here anytime... but if it's in the near term, as in within this 4 months, get yourself some winter clothing... it's gonna be cold here... heh heh...

  3. hahaha lemme earn enough to buy a plane ticket there.. going to be saddled with enough debts to last me for some time.. after one of the BIGGEST decision in my life... :P

  4. haha...jia you jia you =)
