Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, I've moved away from Aalen for 5 months to do my practical semester here in Lippstadt. It's a really nice city with lots of nice views. It's just too bad that the internet connection isn't as reliable as the one I have back in Aalen, so you guys will have to slowly wait for my photos to show up in flickr.

As an appetizer:

Edited with photoshop.



  1. This pcture was taken on a very sunny day geh. Just applied the standad black and white effect and a few filters..

    Thanks for the comments

  2. lol My first reaction was "why is the weather so cloudy one?" Then I noticed that everything was in black and white. :P Nice!

  3. Welcome to Lippstadt, hope you enjoy your time here!! Greetz, Andreas

  4. Seems that my blogger layout managed to cut off a bit of the right part of the photo...

    Thanks for the comments people...

    und danke dir Andreas, wie hast du zu meinem Blog gekommen?

  5. Hallo Casper,
    die Antwort auf Deine Frage ist ganz einfach: ;-)

    Bin gespannt auf weitere schöne Lippstadt-Bilder!!!

  6. Seit wann bin ich auf der Liste O.o

    hehe... danke fuer dein Kommentar. Aber gute Fotos kriege ich nur selten...

  7. first reaction: whoa, haunted house!

    second reaction after looking at the pic a bit longer: hmmm. it looks bit bleak eh?

    third reaction after really study the picture: hey, the pic is so cool la! i could see the twigs!

