Friday, March 24, 2006

Journey called Life... (Part 8 : Love)

Now i suppose each and everyone out there will have at least a rough understanding of what love is, according to their views, of course...

we all agree that the world needs more love now, but what actually is love anyway?

here are some preceptions about love that I had known for myself:

1. Love is when chemistry happens between two lovers
2. Love is when a mother sacrifices everything for her one and only child so that he or she can lead a wonderful life.
3. Love thy neighbour - Jesus Christ
4. Love is not hate.

While none of the definitions above are wrong, but they are all in a sense restricted. I.e. : restricted to one side only.

For me, love is a boundless and unrestricted entity that encompasses each and everything...

Love is both holding and letting go when the time is right for either of the actions...

Love is wishing each and every living entity well and happy always...

Love is taking good care of yourself so that you can give more to the world in hopes of making it a better place to live in...

Love is the capability to feel others' suffering and happiness as if they are your own...

And most of all, love is when you can apply the very same love that a mother can give to her only child to every living being...

These are my definitions of love. No doubt they are nice in theory and hard in practise. But if you think like that and then do nothing about it, then you will be stuck there for as long as you don't try.

Take life step by step, like how we always had walked. And sooner or later you may have achieved more than what you had ever dreamt of...

With the state of the world now, try to bring in more love to it, not via violence or laws, but from deep within our hearts. Wish everyone well, starting from yourself, and slowly bring the feeling into the world....

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