Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Journey called Life... (Part 14 : It's a beautiful world)

The world is a terrible place now...

There are wars everywhere...

There are deaths everywhere...

There are conflicts everywhere...

There are crimes everywhere...

There are things being lost everywhere...

On the other hand...

The world now is also a happy place...

The kids can still smile and laugh...

The birds are still chirping happily on the trees...

There are still Love everywhere...

There are still kind people who wants to help the others to be happy... :)

We can still think properly...

We can still listen to the sounds around us...

We can still see the world in it's many colours...

Rather than dwelling with the sadness, why don't we look at the happier part of the world?

The world isn't as bad as we tend to put it to be...

Turn your perception around, we are still living in a wonderful world...

This article is rewritten as 'it a beautiful world' to replace the older article 'contentment.' Running on pretty much the same concepts, but contentment is now reserved for another day :)

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