Friday, September 22, 2006

Journey called Life... (Part 29: Being Here and Now)

I had been for the past 2 days alone in my place over here in Aalen, doing things which I enjoyed the most. I.e. Reading tons of stuffs to find out how to go around this and that problem when using my linux, reading up ReCom for a bit of debates, reading up on the latest news, writing entries to my long forgotten blog, sleeping, listening to music, downloading stuffs, cleaning up my computer, talking to the teddy bear, and missing someone who is very dear to me...

Ah, the joy of being able to just settle down and enjoy every moment of our lifes. Maybe you guys out there might want to give this a try. Take a break to do the things that you like to do most, and you will find that life have a lot to offer to you other than eat to work or work to eat=)

But then again, we can also being right there when we are doing our stuffs/jobs, just do it without going and worry about stuffs that we can't change anyway...

Anyway, this is just the calm before i have to buck up for the next busy semester. Lucky for me that there are no class on fridays. I might go and visit Buddhist temples in Germany la, making use of the Bahncard 50 that gives me the 50 % discount when I take the trains to anywhere.

For the mean time, I just continue reading up on stuffs and enjoy the music being player through my computer now=)

To the all of you out there, gambatte whatever that you are doing now...till next time, *tata~

*Let's create a world full of LOVE~